Ludor WinesConnected Refractometer
To permanently eliminate the guesswork from harvest season. Ludor Wines has spun off a new company, called Ludex, to develop a novel, industry-specific technology device. Ludex’s mission is to create the world’s first AI-driven refractometer: a handheld refractometer that can be taken into the field for on-the-spot testing. Testing data will be transferred from the device into a smartphone app where artificial intelligence will process the data for predictive modeling to identify the most optimal time for harvest. This, in turn, allows the vintner to organize resources around the perfect harvesting schedule. This simple device has broad applications for global markets in both wine cultivation and agriculture industries.
Mighty Studios provided assets necessary for Ludex to obtain funding from investors. First, we set out to conceptualize a highly compelling design characterized by stunning aesthetics, comfortable ergonomics, and simple intuitiveness. Next, we fabricated a cosmetically impressive physical model, intended for presentation to investors and elicited feedback from potential customers. In parallel, we further developed the concept by creating a convincing series of screen simulations for the companion app. Lastly, we worked with the Ludex team to generate a visually appealing and concise pitch deck to share with investors.